#158 Cannabis and Mood with Dr Dani Gordon plus an intro from Dr Michael Dixon LVO, OBE

03 Aug 2022

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Today I’m chatting with Dr Dani Gordon. Canadian, British and American Board Qualified Medical doctor and author of ‘The CBD Bible’ and the forthcoming ‘The Resilience Blueprint’ .

She has treated thousands of patients with medical cannabis, trained some of the first UK cannabis physicians and now runs a UK based medical practice focused on Integrative & Cannabinoid Medicine.

Dani has been on the pod before when we did a hugely popular series on CBD, so definitely check that out if you haven’t listened already.

Today we chat about:

  • An overview of CBD and its chemical constituents
  • CBD and coffee
  • The mood stabilising effect of CBD for mental health
  • What to look for in a CBD product
  • Uses of other classified drugs

But first, I also have a quick chat with Dr Michael Dixon, Chairman of the College of Medicine and his CV is about as long as the podcast! Having graduated in psychology and philosophy at Oxford University he studied medicine at Guy’s Hospital. Since 1984 he has been a general practitioner at College Surgery in Cullompton, Devon. In 2008, he and his partners created the “Culm Valley Integrated Centre for Health”, which is widely regarded as a prototype for general practice of the future.

Since the early 1990s, he has been a leader of the GP/clinical commissioning movement with its aim of allowing frontline clinicians a far greater role in improving local services and health. Michael is a Visiting Professor at Westminster University and Head of the Royal Medical Household. He is a regular writer and broadcaster, having written several books including “The Human Effect in Medicine” and is a former president of the Health Writers Guild.

Michael and his team were pivotal in creating this conference that brought together a huge collection of varied professionals and frankly I’m counting the days till the next one.

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We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram,Facebook & Twitter) what you think,and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode.

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Dr Dani Gordon MD is a double board certified integrative medicine physician and leading expert in integrative and cannabinoid medicine, and resilience. She has treated thousands of patients with medical cannabis, is vice chair of the UK Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society and is author of ‘The CBD Bible’ and the forthcoming 'The Resilience Blueprint.' She is the founder of Resilience.Clinic, and the medical director of Resilience Medicine Clinics, her UK medical practice treating patients across the UK with cannabinoids and integrative medicine with a focus on mental health, chronic fatigue and complex chronic disease. She is regularly interviewed for TV and the media and has been featured in the Sunday Times, The Guardian, BBC, Vogue and Marie Claire.


Dr Michael Dixon LVO, OBE

Michael Dixon graduated in psychology and philosophy at Oxford University before studying medicine at Guy’s Hospital. Since 1984 he has been a general practitioner at College Surgery in Cullompton, Devon. In 2008, he and his partners created the “Culm Valley Integrated Centre for Health”, which is widely regarded as a prototype for general practice of the future.

Since the early 1990s, he has been a leader of the GP/clinical commissioning movement with its aim of allowing frontline clinicians a far greater role in improving local services and health. He co-founded one of the first Locality Commissioning Groups in Mid Devon in 1993 and served on the National Executive of the National Association of GPs before becoming the first chair of its successor organisation, the NHS Alliance, in 1998. He has continued in this role, by annual election, to the present day. In 2012, clinical commissioning was fully embedded in statute with the creation of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). A new organisation, NHS Clinical Commissioners” was created to represent CCGs bringing together the commissioning “arms” of NHS Alliance, NHS Confederation and the National Association of Primary Care. Michael is the acting president of this new organisation.

Recent national roles have included:- chair of the National LifeCheck Board, special advisor on Practice Based Commissioning to Lord Darzi and sitting on the steering group of the King’s Fund Enquiry into the future of general practice. Today, he is a member of the National Stakeholder Forum, sits on the National Steering Group and the National Strategy Group for Clinical Commissioning. He is also a member of the NHS Sustainable Development Unit National Advisory Group.

Michael is a Visiting Professor at Westminster University and Head of the Royal Medical Household. He is an honorary senior fellow in Public Policy at HSMC (University of Birmingham) and honorary senior lecturer in Integrated Health at the Peninsula Medical School. He is a regular writer and broadcaster, having written several books including “The Human Effect in Medicine” and is a former president of the Health Writers Guild.

Throughout he has been strongly supported by his wife Joanna, a professional artist, and they have three children. He is a keen gardener and fisherman, when time permits.

with Dr Dani Gordon MD CCFP ABOIM ABIHM.

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